It comes from reserve bank money printers. The value of essentially all fiat currencies globally has dropped by at least 95% over the last 50 years; this is because governments and banks have been constantly printing new currency into the economy and diluting the value of existing currency.
This newly printed currency tends to go mostly to the same already-wealthy organizations and people who work closely with governments and banks (Cantillon effects). Fiat currencies are also a ponzi scheme much like top cryptocurrencies.
The people who were in early on the global fiat currency-printing scheme see how it works because, unlike everyone else, they don't have to work or be productive to keep getting more money; to them, the economy looks more like a game of musical chairs; they know that the money will keep coming in no matter what, but eventually, some of them (other easy-money recipients) are going to crack and start dumping their substantial fiat holdings into the economy in a way which will kickstart massive inflation.
Cryptocurrencies are a way for them to try to try to protect themselves from this unavoidable hyperinflation event; in a way, it accelerates things because as the big money spent on cryptocurrency goes into the pockets of ‘economically useless’ crypto founders and employees, they start spending the fiat money which they receive into the economy (and not providing any tangible economic value in return), this starts driving up prices at an increasing rate (causing more inflation) and making the demise of the fiat system even more certain.
No fiat currency in history has ever survived more than a few hundred years; so it's not 'if but 'when'.
Fiat easy-money recipients are wealthy and (for the most part) they are smart; they know the scheme can't go on forever and they want to make sure that whatever monetary system comes after the current one, that they have a a significant % stake in it; they're competing with each other for a large % share of the next monetary system; to ensure that no matter what happens, they can retain a dominant position in society.