Jon’s Lisk Update — December 2019
Here is my update for the month of December 2019.
Lisk DEX
- Implemented DEX dividends. This mechanism means that active DEX members will now be paid a dividend proportional to the amount of work (number of signatures) that they contributed in processing cross-chain transactions. The dividend distribution function can be customized to suit the specific needs of the DEX but all members need to agree on the same distribution function. A new protocol message
d1,${fromHeight},${toHeight}: Member dividend
was introduced to identify member dividend transactions on the blockchain — The fromHeight/toHeight range indicates the section of the blockchain from which the dividend payment was calculated. Note that dividends are calculated and paid independently on each chain using that chain’s native token. - Allow DEX operators to specify passphrases in the config file as encrypted.
- Account for blockchain fees to determine if an order is too small to be added to the order book.
- Give a bit of extra time to allow DEX nodes to collect each other’s signatures before submitting the final multisignature transactions to the underlying blockchain. This was needed to make dividend distribution fair.
Other work
I’ve spent most of this month working on the Leasehold sidechain with fellow contributors and delegates from Lisk community. We’ve launched the Leasehold blockchain on testnet, we’ve also created a Leasehold explorer (testnet), and Leasehold Desktop, we setup an official token burn address (since deflation will play an important part in Leasehold), we’ve also made some progress on the website but it’s not finished yet (it’s mostly dummy data). We plan to launch the first properly decentralized testnet DEX in the next couple of weeks with 11 distinct members. The final mainnet DEX will have 16 members. We received many applications from community members to participate as a member of our first official DEX and we plan to announce our picks sometime before the Leasehold mainnet launch.
I’ve spent a lot of time this month interacting with Lisk community members who were interested in contributing to either Leasehold and/or lisk-dex. There are some exciting new projects being developed by community members right now related to sidechains and also around Lisk DEX and I look forward to continued community collaboration and some exciting announcements early this year.